How to eat healthy and everyday?

Proper washing of vegetables
Skin, hair and nail health

How to eat healthy and everyday?

One of the most basic things that helps the health of the body and the growth of the body is healthy and correct nutrition. People who want a healthy body and know the way to it is proper nutrition, should accompany us.

Principles and components of healthy nutrition:

The most important principle in the diet is to maintain a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and nutrients needed by the body in the diet, eating healthy in addition to creating a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in their intake. It will help you feel better and have more energy and better control and manage your stress.
Eating healthy is one of the best ways you can prevent and control many problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some types of cancer.
1. Choose fresh foods. Choose foods that are closest to their natural state.
So, instead of packaged or frozen foods, choose fresh and organic foods, for example, eat grapes instead of pastilles made with juice.
When you avoid processed foods like chips, cookies, and convenience foods, you also avoid high calories, sugar, salt, and saturated fat.
2. Eat more whole grains Impure carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice lose their nutrients during the manufacturing process.
Replace them with whole-wheat bread or pasta and brown or wild rice, or with other whole grains such as oatmeal, popcorn, oats, or grits.
These changes can have significant effects:
Research shows that a diet high in whole grains can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
3. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. These natural foods are the 2 main pillars of a healthy diet.
Some people who believe in eating healthy foods say that all the food you use should be fresh.
But others say that after fresh products, canned and frozen products are also good options because they have the same amount of nutrients. You just have to read the label on the back of them to make sure you’re not getting more sugar or salt than you should.
Instead of juices, which have less fiber and more sugar, choose fresh fruit.
Eat between five and nine servings of fruits and vegetables during the day.
4. Be careful with your salt and added sugar intake. Healthy foods are naturally low in salt and sugar, and adding them to your diet will detract from your goal of having a healthy diet.
Since processed foods are a source of them, you can avoid them by reducing your intake of processed foods.
Otherwise, even in foods that seem healthy, like yogurt or ketchup, read the food label to look for sweeteners and salt.
Be aware of how much sugar and salt you add to your food and drink.
Try to flavor your food with spices and herbs instead.
5. Avoid artificial additives Artificial food colors, sweeteners, preservatives and other man-made substances have no place in your healthy diet.
In the grocery store, read the label on the back of the food and avoid buying items with artificial ingredients.
6. Drink a lot of water. Instead of juices or sweet alcohol-free drinks, drink low-calorie drinks such as water or herbal tea.
Water quenches your hunger and makes you feel full. It also relieves your fatigue and gives you more energy. Do you miss tasty drinks? Flavor your water with citrus or mint.
7. Reconsider drinking too much caffeine Some people who have adopted a healthy diet have replaced drinking caffeine entirely with water.
Others believe that drinking them in moderation is okay.
Whether you’re a member of these groups or not, experts believe that the maximum daily caffeine intake should be 400 milligrams (about 3 to 5 8-ounce cups). Avoid sweeteners and drink plain tea or coffee.
8. Decide to use organic products Organic farmers use natural pesticides and avoid man-made ones.
For this reason, some believe that using organic products is the best way to eat healthy.
You can shop at your local market and from farmers to find out what pesticides they use.
another point:
Pesticides are usually applied to the outer part of fruits.
So you can also use fruits that are not organic but you don’t eat the skin, including avocados, corn and onions.
9. Make smart choices about meat and dairy The meat, dairy and eggs you buy at the store may come from animals that have been injected with growth hormones or antibiotics.
Those looking for a healthy diet should avoid these meats and look for organic meats, or natural sources that raise animals naturally.
Farmers markets are the best place to find out where your milk and dairy products come from.
Seafood is not considered organic.
So look for those that have less mercury and that have been caught in an environmentally friendly manner.
Want the best way to absorb protein? Eating nuts, beans and legumes.

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